I've been teaching young children for over 15 years. As I teach I get inspired to try new things every year. Some of them are my own creations and others come from something I've seen or done. I've created this blog as a place to share the things that I am doing in my preschool. I hope you can find inspiration for yourself, somewhere on this blog!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lunch Bag Turkeys

Before starting, have the kids paint a clear spoon brown and set aside to dry.

For these cute turkeys, cut 1 inch strips down from the top of the brown bag.  Have kids color them various bright colors.  Then stuff crumpled newspaper into the sack and fill about 1/2 or 1/3 full. Twist shut and close with string or a twisty.  I used my glue gun to glue the feathers toward the bag so that they would stand up.  More strips can be colored if desired, but my kids didn't want to color them any more.  Now have the kids decorate the spoons.  We used foam cut into the shaped needed and googly eyes.  Glue feet to the bottom of the bag.  Finally use your hot glue to attach the spoon to the bag.

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