I've been teaching young children for over 15 years. As I teach I get inspired to try new things every year. Some of them are my own creations and others come from something I've seen or done. I've created this blog as a place to share the things that I am doing in my preschool. I hope you can find inspiration for yourself, somewhere on this blog!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Reindeer Sandwiches

These reindeer treats are fun to make at our Christmas party.  I had a parent come up with the idea when I told her I was sick of every holiday being filled with sugary treats!  You could use raisins for the eyes, but m&m's are more popular with most of the kids.  You could also substitute cherries for the noses, but most little kids won't touch those either.  I usually use twist pretzels for the antlers, but these giant sticks were a lot of fun too.  If any students have a peanut allergy, just subtitute jam for the peanut butter.

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